Friday 26 August 2011

Day 23 - Patent encumbrance of large automotive NiMH batteries

3 Man Roast appraoched its end as we performed its penultimate performance. Most 3 Man Roast audiences have been lovely but this lot were BRILLIANT.

There were going along with us from the off and practically everything we did raised a laugh. Joyous to the last despite Will Howell's ever worsening voice. By this stage he was sounding like a phone pest.

LOTWAA was the most interesting gig of the run. I say gig. It was a breakdown on stage.

Paul Duncan McGarrity did about 15 mins compering at the top. I then went on and decided to add in about 5 mins of material from nowhere and chatted with a woman from Lincolnshire about drunken uses for vegetables.

Then Laurence Tuck went on and mentally unravelled for half an hour. His first jokes did'nt get a response so he went off-script. Anybody who knows Laurence will know this is unheard off. He is more likely to perform his set in Latin than deviate from script. It was wonderful. But he overan dramatically.

Dan Adams did not go on as we did'nt have time.

After which Paul Duncan McGarrity proceeded to do half his set to close the show.

To quote one audience member "Is it always that weird?"

Perhaps it should have been.

Then one act who was waiting to get into Funny Fillies (the following show in out venue) and had a squint which made her look as if she was trying to outstare a wall, tried to get onto arguement with us claiming there had been a discussion that women were not funny.

However, nobody was having this conversation as she had misheard something and she came off more like a mad woman arguing with herself.

But the end is in site.

Despite how boring reality looks from here.

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